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火線警告 第七季

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火線警告 第七季

USA電視臺6月28日播出的新劇《Burn Notice 火線警告》是一部帶有喜劇成分的間諜劇。 當一個間諜被解雇了,他們絕不會收到人事部門交來的《解聘書》,而是一個連他自己也不大清楚的"火線警告"…… 當特工Michael Westen (Jef... 更多




人一旦牽扯到青春,就很難保持理智 2013-09-19

看完了Burn Notice第七季的最后一集,最終季并不完美,最后一集好幾次想擠出眼淚卻都宣告失敗。但畢竟追了四年,而人一旦牽扯到青春,就很難保持理智。這部劇名氣不大,口味也不重,連鏡頭都帶著泛黃的舊的味道,這或許是我這樣再愛清閑沒有的人的最愛了。最后一集里每個人都說出了片頭里的那句話,這個輪回很奇妙。聊表紀... 詳情

20130916, s07e13, at final decision, make choice by inner preference, never regret, this is my life 2013-09-16

20130916, s07e13, at final decision, make choice by inner preference, never regret, this is my life 詳情

最后一集,每個人都說了一句片頭的臺詞 2013-09-15

Michael:My name is Michael Westen.I used to be a spy.(42:06,Fi說的)Fi:Shall we shoot them?(30:55,Fi)Sam:You know spies...bunch of bitchy little girls(37:43,Sam)Jesse:I guess that''s how we do it(15:28,Jesse) 詳情

20130908,s07e12, it is not a good time to switch side, but it is the worst time to stick to. 2013-09-08

20130908,s07e12, it is not a good time to switch side, but it is the worst time to stick to. 詳情

20130825,s07e11, when we find what we believe is just a lie, we lost. 2013-08-25

20130825,s07e11, when we find what we believe is just a lie, we lost. 詳情

20130820,s07e10, u r destined to be dead, not becauz u r a bad guy, just becauz u stand in sb.'s way 2013-08-20

20130820,s07e10, u r destined to be dead, not becauz u r a bad guy, just becauz u stand in sb.''s way 詳情

20130815,s07e09, more inspire! no betrayal, no cowardice. 2013-08-15

20130815,s07e09, more inspire! no betrayal, no cowardice. 詳情

20130814,s07e08, in our career, we have to execute sth morally wrong, make deal with the monster. 2013-08-14

20130814,s07e08, in our career, we have to execute sth morally wrong, make deal with the monster. 詳情

20130730, s07e07, live around lie so that believe the lie of oneself. 2013-07-31

20130730, s07e07, live around lie so that believe the lie of oneself. 詳情

20130721,s07e6, it doesn't matter what your real motives are, you can never take it back. 2013-07-21

20130721,s07e6, it doesn''t matter what your real motives are, you can never take it back. 詳情
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